
Duplicating files across multiple Teams channels and Teams

2023年8月2日 — Hello, wondering if you can duplicate a file (Word, PPT, Excel, PDF, etc.) across multiple Teams and/or across multiple Teams channels?

How to copy a file to multiple folders using the command ...

2014年3月11日 — The only bash command that I know which can copy/save to multiple destinations is tee . You can use it in your case as follows: tee ~/folder1/ ...

How can I copy one file to multiple folders, at same time?

2021年8月9日 — Select the filename first, and then the folders by holding down the shift or command key so that you have the file and all folders selected. On ...

Parallel copy to multiple destinations

What I am trying to accomplish is simultaneously copying the same files from the source to the 3x destinations, not sequentially, but all three destinations at ...


2012年6月19日 — 1 Answer 1 ... Rather than using the File.Copy utility method, you could open the source file as a FileStream , then open as many FileStreams to ...


2016年9月21日 — I am transferring a 150-200mb file to many locations (shared drives located across the world) daily. The issue is that each transfer (using ...

copy big file to multiple locations at the same time

2020年12月13日 — 1 Answer 1 ... In order to do this, you can use the start command, which launches the command separately and would allow you to run these commands ...

How to copy files to multiple locations on Linux

2022年9月8日 — You can run a series of Linux commands to copy multiple files to a folder or copy a single file to multiple folders, but you can save time ...

Remotely Copy Files To Multiple Destinations Using ...

2023年8月12日 — Remotely Copy Files To Multiple Destinations Using PowerShell · Basic Copy-Item cmdlet · Copying files between remote computers · PowerShell ...


2023年8月2日—Hello,wonderingifyoucanduplicateafile(Word,PPT,Excel,PDF,etc.)acrossmultipleTeamsand/oracrossmultipleTeamschannels?,2014年3月11日—TheonlybashcommandthatIknowwhichcancopy/savetomultipledestinationsistee.Youcanuseitinyourcaseasfollows:tee~/folder1/ ...,2021年8月9日—Selectthefilenamefirst,andthenthefoldersbyholdingdowntheshiftorcommandkeysothatyouhavethefileandallfoldersselected.On ....